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On Contemporary Novels

I think most of the contemporary novels are garbage and reading them is merely wasting one's time. Except one or two talented writers most of the others are not worth reading. I don't know about general masses but as a student of critical humanities, I would never suggest someone to read them.
One can read them to pass time but then don't label yourself as reader/booklover/kitabikeeda in your insta bio.

On Reader’s Block

There’s a popular term known as ‘writer’s block’ which refers to a period when writers find themselves unable to write anything. This is quite a promient problem among writers. However, there is a similar problem with readers also where they want to read works but the right time just does not come. I am not aware of any such term existing for the readers but if there is please let me know.

So, I think that this term should also be popularised and discussed more oftenly in reader groups to tackle and address this issue. However, much of ‘reader’s block’ comes from not putting effort in reading, unlike writing reading requires much less of our faculties. In my honest opinion, if someone is facing reader’s block they should just sit down and finish some chapters.

However, apart from these hasty generalisations, I think this requires more rigorous analysis looking for causes of this effect on readers. I am sure smartphones and popular culture will come out as culprits.